Monday 31 January 2005


I've been wandering around on some of the blogs I've viewed in the past, this lunchtime.

Now I know life often goes in cycles, but I can't help wonder if that isn't the answer to what I've observed. I've never made a secret of my belief that post modern thinking is inherently anti-Christian, and the christian forms that have been spun out of it carry an inherent 'wrongness' to me.

So I was intrigued to read a bunch of stuff that all sounds a little desperate to my ears. A couple of articles from Andrew Jones, a Leonard Sweet quote on Randall's blog, an article on 'the ooze'. I don't know, but they all had a feeling of slight desperation to them. Kind of trying to reassure people - all those others have got it wrong - WE are at the front of what God's doing.

I don't know. I hope in some ways that I've got it wrong, because some people will get hurt, but I think there will be some serious fall-out over then next couple of years as foundations get shaken.

Or maybe I just don't get it, and I'm all wrong. As unlikely as that might seem ;-)

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