Thursday 2 June 2005


Plus some tears.

This afternoon we were able to say "goodbye".

The service at the crematorium was hard really. Emotions were sharp at times, and there was a real spirit of sadness in the room - for me at least. If preparing for the services was like closing the lid, this was when the nails were hammered into place. But our families were there with us, and supported us in our pain.

Then we had the celebration of Sarah's life in the village.

It WAS a joyful time.

There was a certain sadness, but a happiness too. Actually there was a fantastic spirit of release and unity. I can still feel the change in my heart: fresh hope for the future and a knowing that our lives are moving forward.

Then there was the hugging.

A repeated theme of the memories of Sarah was her tendency to hug. At the crem' I hugged a number of people, but the hugs were those of sadness and often in tears. After the celebration the hugs were with laughter and joy, despite there being tears present. At one point I found myself thinking "this is a serial hug-fest!". I hugged friends from the village, I hugged friends from the church, I hugged people from Sarah's school, I even hugged work colleagues!


There was much love around too. You could see it in people's eyes and on their faces. God has touched many people through this, and it makes me really happy to see it.

There are a lot of people we have to thank for their kindness at this time, probably many more than we know about. I'm reluctant to name people because I'm bound to miss someone, and that would be dreadful. But to all those of you that served us, provided meals, ironed clothes, ran errands, prepared flowers, set out chairs and did any number of things: THANK YOU.

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