Friday 9 December 2005

Perhaps God does love me after all

Chris again.
Shortly after writing the previous post, Jill, a friend from years ago, rang me (NOT having read it) and was able to talk & pray with me & generally encourage me. She had been at a prayer meeting but left early & on the way home remembered that she wanted to ring me, so that definately sounds like she was prompted.
Eventually I said I needed to go as I had to pick Ben up (the car is driveable but has only one headlight & he didn't want to stopped by the boys in blue.) I was just putting my shoes on when the phone rang. It was Sue who had read the blog. She simply said 'Is there anything I can do?'. So I said 'Well.. you could pick Ben up', which she is kindly doing. That meant I was home just now to receive Toni's 'phone call from the States.
All this goes a long way to restoring my faith which was being shaken a bit. He really does respond when we cry out to him, he does sometimes seem to wait until we are desperate though (or is it that it is only then that we really cry out?).

BTW, Toni's flight was delayed this morning for 2 hours because of fog. He was ringing from Dallas where he is changing flights for his onward journey to Houston. He did not manage to sleep on the plane so he has presently (at 10:30 pm GMT) been awake for more than 40 hours & doesn't expect to get to bed for about another 8 hours!



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