Tuesday 6 December 2005

We saw Ben again last night

And he appears fine.

The doctors can't understand why it is that he's only had intermittent pain, rather than constant, as they'd expect. They did a CAT scan (no labrador jokes please) but we've not heard if there were any conlusive results from that. So he waits in hospital, pleasantly bored, to see what's happening next.

He must be feeling normal, because he insisted on walking with us to the car. After saying goodbye I turned away, then back to say one thing more and all I saw was his leg disappearing as he jogged round the corner heading back. I don't believe in fate, but if I did I'd suggest he likes to tweak it's nose. Rather like his father.

Livi came with us too, and it was nice to spend time with her, having not seen her on Sunday.

Once again, thanks for all your prayers and care.

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