Sunday 8 January 2006

Baptism in Peterborough

Chris writes (at Toni's request whilst he puts hundreds of Christmas tree lights back into those little holders that are meant to keep them safe until next year!)

Well, we made it to Peterborough, we didn't really feel like making the effort but we are glad we did. Despite Toni's fears, the roads were clear & we made it in only an hour and a half, despite minor difficulties finding the right way in to the town centre.

The reason for the trip was because we were going to the baptism of an old friend, John. John gave his testimony & was great to hear how God had guided his paths & drawn him to Himself, and we are grateful that God used us a little on the way.

John had various positive encounters with Christians throughout his younger years which made him think of Christianity/God as a good thing, but not as something for him. But God was after him, & it was after the tragic death of his wife in Sep 1996 leaving him with their 4 year old daughter, Emily, that God was able to really break into his life. Some months later John cried out to God (in anger as much as anything) 'God, if you are real, show me!'. God doesn't ignore prayers like that & part of showing John that he was real involved causing us to meet him.

In August of 1997 we were on a camping holiday in the Lake district & our kids made friends with Emily. This broke the ice, & soon we had got to know John, and over the next few days spent quite a bit of time with him & Emily. Early on he saw our bible in the caravan & immediately wondered if this was part of God's answer to him. We talked with John about God & things, but I can't honestly remember what we said, although it was clear to us that he was on a journey.

We were by no means the only Christians in John's life. On the anniversary of Elizabeth's death he decided to visit the church where they had got married & a Christian friend of his went with him. The church was locked but just then the vicar turned up, he would not normally have been at the church at that time but he 'just happened' to have left something behind the previous day. The Holy Spirit really inspired that man's words as he spoke with John that day & later that evening John gave his life to God.

It was really good to be there today, & to once gain see God bring good out of tragedy. It also made me think of all those times when we plant seeds, & carefully water them, as some people certainly did with John when he was young, and never see any fruit. But God's word does not return void & there may be many occasions when the seeds we plant do bear fruit many years later although we do not see it. This time it was us who saw the fruit although we had done very little sowing or watering.

A reminder to remain faithful, & not be discouraged in continuing to do the work he has called us to.


(P.S. Toni has finished doing the lights and managed, with some difficulty, to get the tree outside, so I'd better go & hoover all the needles up I suppose!)

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