Thursday 27 April 2006

Could we be?

Over the worst part of a long and draggy week.

We've just come back from interring Sarah's and Chris's dad's ashes.

It's funny, but in theory I find the whole Christian religious formulas fine. But when I get face-to-face with them, especially in these circumstances, I start wanting to get away and find God for me. There's a whole pile of things going offright now and I seem to be switching from wanting to run and hide to wishing I could go and hit someone. *edit below*

Not good really.

Probably normal though.

Chris did really well, and made sure she was there for her mum. Maybe I felt like a bit of a spare rib because I've been used to being there for her, and suddenly I was a bit surplus? I dunno.

We've got the extended family coming over later. I think that will probably be a good thing. Chris's mum is with us right now, and I've just about finished cooking dinner (Korma, if anyone cares?). Crap - just got cross with Chris :-(

*Heather Parbury, the local vicar was actually very sensitive and really tried to help. I just would have much rather done what my mother did with my dad's ashes, and simply gone to the family plot, dug a hole and popped them in. Just them and God really.

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