Tuesday 11 July 2006

I'm wondering......

...... about many things.

But nothing really solidifies in my thoughts. Not into a majorly post-worthy comment, anyway.

I'm still unpicking or *processing* (as Randall would call it) thoughts from our time with in Canada. We already miss them (and everyone else too). Ben was grumpy about it just getting into the car to drive to the airport.

Randall and I were talking about the nature of heaven - I'd suggested it'll be a place where we can all enjoy the company of those we love in all sorts of disparate places without having to travel hours or even lifetimes to meet them. I'd suggest it's substantially more than that, but it's certainly an aspect to consider.

I'm still quite concerned about R,L and fam though. While we were there it *appeared* that a measure of recovery was taking place, but I also wonder if that was just a bit of an 'eye of the storm' time. Or more likely, the grace of God allowing them to walk with a slightly odd bunch of foreigners while they needed to appear somewhat normal.

Enough rambling. Bed soon.

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