Sunday 12 August 2007

Well that was the week that was.

Thanks to Alan Whicker for the title.

I had all these posts floating around and now my head is just idea-soup.

The funeral for Chris's mum was on Thursday - a really big thanks to all the wonderful people that made cakes (Sandra, Jane, Jackie).

*edit* Really special thanks to Kita, who made teas and coffees and served everyone on one of her rare days off - how could I forget you in this list?

We've recruited 2 new people for work, and said goodbye to to one of our guys that's been with us for about 2 years - we'll miss Nick. Looks like being a manager is now unavoidable. Guess it's skills I'll need later.

Chris has been grinding through the probate paperwork - probate is effectively permission to manage the estate and administer the will, after you've told the government about how much EVERYTHING is worth.

Ben seems to have found someone interesting.

We watched 'Happy Feet' last night, recommended by Janique. That's 1 1/2 hours of my life I'll never get back.

Another guitar has arrived, but it's destined for someone else.

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