Thursday 3 April 2008

How much hypocrisy do we need?

Nearly everyone in the UK must by now have heard about Max Mosely, chairman of the body that manages F1 (the FIA) being filmed acting out a Nazi prison camp scenario with 5 prostitutes. Somewhat unfortunate, in view of his history and childhood nazi links.

Not great or clever.

However it appears that the world is up in arms about it.

From the little I know of it, this *kind* of imagery has been a staple of the porn industry for years. I know such films have been made because I’ve seen advertisements for them. While the man is in a senior position within the formula 1 world, this behaviour does not seem any more at odds with his position any more than ordinary people having affairs or visiting prostitutes while married. Which is clearly not unusual, if not common in some circles. No-one apparently bats an eye at net porn outside a work context, with people doing much less pleasant things to each other than in this situation.

I am quite sure that the journalists that have blown this up in the face of the world are fully as sordid as the man himself, yet no-one ever questions their integrity over publishing such details. Of course people are interested and of course they will buy papers – this will give a substantial number a sexual thrill thinking about the carefully almost-described goings on. I wonder if any of those who wish they’d been able to watch would ever think of themselves at least as guilty as the man that made their pleasure possible?

How truly foul and guilty are people in ways that they do not even see?

I don't especially agree with this comment in the Times either, but at least they seem able to think a little more rationally about the whole sordid business.

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