Tuesday 29 April 2008

So this morning

I go to the doctors.

This is all feeling horribly familiar: no energy, fuzzy fuzzy head, continual deep coughing, distorted sense of taste, filling up with goo from bacteria growing happily somewhere they don't belong, joints aching for no good reason.

10 days like this now, It has the feel of when I had pneumonia about 12 years ago, although less severe - then I was really ill, and took a fortnight off work. Now I just feel bushed all the time, but not SO ill that I can't get some stuff done. Hey ho penicillin, I bet we meet again.

Chris is struggling right now too. Not with health, but with feelings. May is THE month we're reminded our personal world stopped for a while. I joked this morning about emigrating to Australia, as the seasons would then mis-match the names of the months, and we'd be less aware of the time of year.

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