Friday 19 December 2008

I'm sat here surrounded by debris

Most paperwork is in the recycling system - papers recording things done 10 years ago that is now irrelevent to the future of products that I've been making. All the batch records and lab books are boxed, ready for shipping to the US or to put into storage, and I'll shortly load the relevant contents of my hard drive onto a disc for the guys in the US to use (the email system within this company is so poor that it couldn't cope with a couple of dozen Mb of data)

I'm reminded of an animated .gif someone used on Harmony central. It looks like one of those windows 'progress' boxes that pop up when something is being done. It starts off with an empty progress bar and the words 'Attempting to give damn'. The progress bar moves across and then the words 'Operation failed' and then 'Damn not given' appear.

So I'm sat here surrounded by rubbish, in many senses. Thanks to a late night I'm feeling a bit groggy, but that's entirely reasonable. I just hope I can keep these balls in the air just a few more days.

End of witter.

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