Monday 29 June 2009

Deserts, Parenting, Marriage and Annointing.

But not necessarily in that order. I had a long post worked out in my head during the cycle ride in this morning, and it's all evaporated. Like Randall, there's so much I could say, but it would not be beneficial.

The picture I had about being in the desert seems to be reflecting reality. It's a dry and dusty place without much comfort, but just occasionally one will encounter an oasis while on the journey. I'm starting to look out for these, to recognise them when they arrive, to make it more possible for me to find them. On Saturday morning I had more than 3 hours in the car, driving to Crawley to look at (and buy) a guitar. On the way down I'd originally planned to listen to a CD from the pastoral training course but that didn't work in the car CD player so I played my recently returned Vicky Beeching CD or the way out and a Parachute band live CD on the way back. It was quite fascinating how some songs were just anointed and some weren't: or maybe it's just that particular chord patterns stir my spirit, I don't know. But if *felt like* the Holy Spirit was there in the car for some stuff and moving on for others.

On a side note, I wonder how much music is a gift of God, even in un-christian musicians. There are some that really do stir one's spirit, though that may be more a reflection of the individual being stirred.

And on a different note, I think we've seen a bit more evidence in a couple of ways (not all fun) of our being parents. One thing that did really speak to me was yesterday afternoon the young son of a friend wanted to climb onto my lap, and eventually did so after making his wish clear in a roundabout way. Actually it made me feel more like a grandfather than a father, but there was a real tenderness and to the boy and it made me want to care, to show gentleness and love and encouragement.

And so finally, I have to say that I'm glad we have the marriage we do. In the middle of all the mess and difficulties that we have, it's so good to have someone that you know won't reject you, misunderstand you for their own purposes or try to manipulate you for their own gain. We give ourselves to each other, and in that is a place where we are secure and free. I really don't know how we'd cope if we were 2 people just sharing a house and living for themselves.

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