Friday 30 October 2009

Title is tricky

I'm going whiskey tasting tonight (courtesy of my mother generously wishing to indulge me) at a local off licence/wine shop. A few years back at a conference in Glasgow I enjoyed something similar as part of the soire that evening, however most of the guests didn't like whiskey, and I was grateful to a colleague pointing out that *now was a good time to stop. This is unlikely to re-occur as everyone will wish to keep hold of their samples, rather than offering them to everyone else.

But when thinking about this blogpost there were lots of titles that swam across my brain, all ditched for various (obvious) reasons.

*Now being when one can still talk and walk normally (this was a conference, after all). The whiskey was good, disappearing with minimal resistance, and it would have been easy to continue until walking would have required a lot of optimism.

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