Tuesday 5 January 2010

Hello Canada, welcome to the UK

It's not cold but is sure is snowing.

My mum was due to come out of hospital tonight, about 9ish. The lanes round here are almost virgin snow, and so drivable, if barely. Chris wasn't impressed, and I promised her that if we reached the main road and it wasn't better then I'd turn round.

Well, I did reach the main road, and it was actually worse! Snow several inches deep had become rutted and packed, all with that nice layer of polish on top. It was *barely* drivable enough to go 'round the block' to let us go home again.

The voice of prudence took over, and I've left the car at the top of the village, so that if we need emergency transport it won't be impossible to make it up the hill. I was also not sure it would stop at the bottom, and there's a very hard-looking stone wall directly in front of the Ardley road junction. I also suspect the owners of that house would not appreciate someone hitting the side of their house.

BTW when we got back to the village our original tyre tracks had effectively disappeared. It's -1'C, with BIG flakes falling, and it's not going to be gone in the morning.

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